Selling an Inherited House Broomfield? Here’re 5 Things in the Basement Worth Thousands
Selling an inherited house Broomfield can come with more than just the price of the house itself. If you inherited a house that belongs to your grandfather, it’s possible that the basement has an assortment of things that could be worth thousands.
In most cases, things that are cast off from the home end up in the basement or attics. Whether it’s your grandmother’s costume jewelry or an old gaming device or even desktop computers that belonged to your grandfather, you’ll usually find them all in the basement. Unless you embark on a serious mission of cleaning or decluttering before selling an inherited house Broomfield, there’s a lot you could actually miss out – or maybe forget.
Once you drag these objects to the lawn and start scrutinizing each one of them, you might be surprised to come across some souvenirs that could be worth some good money. Today, there are some things that were owned by our grandparents that can fetch tens of thousands of dollars, here are 5 of them.
Vintage tech and Retro games
The world of technology is changing fast, but you will be shocked to learn how some tech stuff from a few decades ago are not red-hot on the market. Anything analog, for instance, vintage stereo equipment and speakers can be worth more than $15,000 while old Apple computers can sell for as much as $5000. If selling an inherited house Broomfield was meant to raise money for an emergency, you might get more money from the sale of vintage tech stuff dying in the basement.
If you are thinking about throwing away that old board game or trading cards, you’ll have a second thought when you learn that not so long ago, a 1999 1st-edition Pokemon card was sold for an impressive $18,000 while an original 1974 Dungeons & Dragons board game was sold for a cool $6000. If you can bump into a classic video game like a vintage Nintendo Video Game Cartridge with the original box was recently sold at a cool $20,000.
Religious relics
If you had a religious grandmother, it’s easy to come across some artifacts in the basement that might fetch you some good cash. Things like the menorah or the Torah shield can fetch you up to $50,000 in cash, yet it’s very easy to dump them into the trash can in case you don’t know what they really are.
Costume jewelry
While you might come across piles of boxes with earrings, bracelets and other pieces of jewelry your grandmother wore, looking deeper could land you something worth more money than any of these worthless pieces of jewelry. Maybe there’s just one ring in the whole collection that can fetch you thousands, but still, you can also put together an entire collection of costume jewelry and sell it as a whole, which could fetch some good money as well.
1980s sneakers
You might be enjoying your current state-of-the-art sneakers, but you’ll be surprised at how much 1980s sneakers can fetch you when sold on the right market. For instance, last year, eBay was selling a pair of original Air Jordan sneakers at a cool $30,000, but you could get even more than this. So, if you bump into such original sneakers from decades ago, don’t give them away without doing a small research about their worth.
Military stuff
If your grandfather was in the military and fought in World War II, there are probably a whole lot of things in the basement that can fetch you some real money. For instance, the uniforms that were used I the war can be sold for a few thousand dollars, but this will depend a lot on their current condition as well as affiliation. Make sure you go through the entire collection and find out what one of them is and their possible market value, but while trying to identify them, don’t mess with their original form because this might devalue the relic by more than 90%.
Once you go through everything, the process of selling an inherited house Broomfield can now commence. You might be surprised that the basement had quite a collection that has even solved your problem already.